좌측 대퇴골 ORTHObones Premium Left Femur W19128 

• 외과의사가 고관절 치환술을 연습하는데 유용
• 의료 전문가들이 의료 장치를 시연하는 데 적합
• 실제 뼈에서 얻을 수 있는 효과와 유사

ORTHObones by 3B Scientific perfectly resemble a human bone and offer exceptional value for a low price. The impressive realism lies within the two part construction of the hard, outer cortical shell and the softer, inner cancellous bone. These are the highest quality and most realistic artificial bones on the market.

The femur bone can be used by surgeons to practice hip replacement surgeries or by medical engineers to demonstrate a new medical device. This artificial bone is the closest you can get to the real thing!

Overall length: 47 cm
Canal diameter: 8 mm
Head diameter: 43 mm
Lateral to medial condyle: 74 mm

악세사리 크림 색상 이미지-S30L2
악세사리 크림 색상 이미지-S30L3
악세사리 브라운 색상 이미지-S30L4
악세사리 상품상세 이미지-S30L5