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Pigeon Skull (Columba livia domestica) 
Specimen T30071

Real, prepared pigeon skull. A striking feature of the skull is its relatively large eye sockets.
Length: Approx. 5.5 cm

Pigeon (Columba livia domestica)
Class: Birds
Order: Columbiformes
Family: Columbids
Diet: Omnivore
Size: Approx. 20 – 35 cm
Weight: Approx. 180 – 350 g
Age: Approx. 1 – 4 years

악세사리 상품상세 이미지-S1L3
악세사리 상품상세 이미지-S1L4
악세사리 상품상세 이미지-S1L5
악세사리 상품상세 이미지-S1L6
악세사리 상품상세 이미지-S1L7